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Buying the Best Folding Wheelchair for You

What are folding wheelchairs? When most people think of wheelchairs, they picture the large, heavy-duty ones that are difficult to move around. However, there is a type of wheelchair that is much more versatile and user-friendly: the folding wheelchair. A folding wheelchair is a type of wheelchair that can be folded for easy storage and...

Created by Michelle Carey
Last Updated July 14, 2023
Buying the Best Folding Wheelchair for You

What are folding wheelchairs?

When most people think of wheelchairs, they picture the large, heavy-duty ones that are difficult to move around. However, there is a type of wheelchair that is much more versatile and user-friendly: the folding wheelchair.

A folding wheelchair is a type of wheelchair that can be folded for easy storage and transport. Most folding wheelchairs have a frame made of aluminum, which makes them much lighter than traditional wheelchairs. Folding wheelchairs also tend to be narrower in width, which makes them easier to maneuver through tight spaces. Folding wheelchairs usually have fewer features than non-folding wheelchairs, but they are still designed to provide users with a high level of comfort and mobility.

Who can benefit from using folding wheelchairs?

Folding wheelchairs can be used by people of all ages who have limited mobility. They are particularly well suited for seniors or people with disabilities who may have trouble using a traditional wheelchair. Folding wheelchairs can also be used by people who are recovering from an injury or surgery.

Benefits of folding wheelchairs for people with mobility issues

There are several benefits that make folding wheelchairs a great choice for users, including:

Benefit #1: Easy to Transport

One of the biggest benefits of folding wheelchairs is that they are easy to transport. Folding wheelchairs can be easily folded up and placed in the trunk of a car or taken on public transportation. They are also easy to travel with, as they can be easily carried on an airplane or stored in a small space. This makes them a great option for people who want the freedom to travel without worrying about how they will transport their wheelchair.

Benefit #2: Lightweight

Another benefit of folding wheelchairs is that they are lightweight. This makes them easy to maneuver and helps to prevent fatigue. For people who need to use a wheelchair for long periods of time, a lightweight chair is essential. For people who have to use their wheelchair on a daily basis, this can make a big difference in their quality of life.

Benefit #3: Comfortable

Folding wheelchairs are also very comfortable. They often have adjustable features that allow users to customise the fit of the chair. This ensures that users are able to maintain good posture and avoid pain in their back, neck, and shoulders.

Benefit #4: They’re Stylish Like Regular Wheelchairs

In addition to being more comfortable, folding wheelchairs are also quite sleek and stylish. This is because they come in a variety of colours and designs. You can even add some fun prints on them. This means that you can express your personality through your wheelchair.

Benefit #5: Affordability

Folding wheelchairs are often more affordable than traditional wheelchairs because they’re made with lightweight materials like aluminium instead of heavy-duty steel.

How do I choose the right folding wheelchair?

When choosing a folding wheelchair, it is important to consider your needs, budget, and research.

  1. Consider Your Needs

The first step in choosing a folding wheelchair is to take a close look at your individual needs. For example, are you looking for a wheelchair that will be primarily used indoors, or do you need something that can handle rough terrain? There are wheelchairs on the market that are designed for specific needs, so it’s important to have a clear idea of what you’re looking for before you start shopping.

  1. Decide on Your Budget

Another important factor to consider is your budget. Folding wheelchairs can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on the features and quality of the product. It’s important to set a realistic budget before you start shopping so that you don’t end up spending more than you can afford.

  1. Read Online Reviews

Once you’ve determined your needs and set a budget, it’s time to start researching specific products. A great way to get unbiased information about folding wheelchairs is to read online reviews from other consumers. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews and look for common themes across multiple reviews. This will help you narrow down your options to find the best possible product for your needs.

Things to keep in mind to buy the best folding wheelchair for you

  • The type of terrain you will be using the wheelchair on

It is important to keep in mind the type of terrain you will be using it on most frequently. Wheelchairs are designed for different purposes and different types of terrain. For example, some are designed for use on paved surfaces like sidewalks and streets, while others are better equipped for use on rougher terrain like grass and dirt paths.

  • The width of the seat

The seat width of a wheelchair is also an important consideration, especially if you plan on using the chair for long periods of time. A wider seat will provide more comfort and support, but it may be more difficult to maneuver in tight spaces. If you plan on using your wheelchair primarily at home, a wider seat may not be as important. However, if you plan on using your wheelchair out and about, you will want to make sure that the seat is wide enough to be comfortable.

  • The weight capacity

Another important consideration is weight capacity. Most standard wheelchairs have a standard weight capacity, but if you need a higher weight capacity, you may have to look for a specialty chair. Higher weight capacities are important for users who are taller or heavier so that the chair doesn’t tip over when in use.

  • Weight of the wheelchair

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a folding wheelchair is the weight of the wheelchair. If you are going to be transporting the wheelchair frequently, you will want to choose a lightweight model.

  • The height of the backrest

A backrest that’s too low won’t provide adequate support for your back, while a backrest that’s too high will be uncomfortable and may even cause pain in your shoulders or neck.

  • The type of folding mechanism

There are three main types of folding mechanisms: side fold, rear fold, and center fold. Side fold chairs fold down from one side, while rear fold chairs fold down from the back. Center fold chairs have a hinge in the middle, and they fold in half.

  • The type of wheels

Another thing to consider when choosing a folding wheelchair is the type of wheels. There are two main types of wheels: spoke wheels and solid wheels. Spoke wheels are lighter and they provide more shock absorption than solid wheels. Solid wheels are better for outdoor use because they provide more traction on uneven surfaces.

Once you have considered your needs, you can start narrowing down your options and comparing features and prices. It is also important to read reviews from other users before making your final decision. If you’re looking for things to consider when buying electric wheelchairs see here.

Our top picks for the best folding wheelchairs

Meyra Smart Active Folding Wheelchair

Brand: Meyra

Weight: 9.5kg

Weight Capacity: 150kg

Key Features:

  • Low weight
  • Great handling
  • Advanced folding system

The Meyra Smart Manual Folding Wheelchair is a great choice for any adventure you take. As one of the best lightweight folding wheelchairs, ithas great handling and range of colors that can be customised with your own preferences making this chair perfect not only at home but also outside the house.


  • Only 9.5kgs
  • Comes in a range of colours
  • Adjustable legrests, footrests and castors


  • Not suitable for those over 150kg

Meyra Avanti Active Folding Wheelchair

Brand: Meyra

Weight: 12kg

Weight Capacity: From 75kg

Key Features:

  • Easy to transport
  • Swing away or removable leg rest
  • Comes in 12 different frame colours

The Avanti is a lightweight, maneuverable wheelchair that will keep up with your lifestyle. Weighing just 12kgs*, it’s crash tested design and foldability make it easy to transport anywhere you go.


  • Wide range of colours
  • Removable wheels and leg rest


  • Not suitable for those over 160kg

Meyra Nano X RigidFrame Active Folding Wheelchair

Brand: Meyra

Weight: 9.5kg

Weight Capacity: 130kg

Key Features:

  • Minimalist look
  • Rigid frame design
  • Durable design

The Nano X is an excellent choice for a wide variety of medical conditions. With its smooth ride, quick adjustments, and low tare weight to encourage user independence it’s easy servicing with numerous colour options that offer plenty in customisation.


  • Wide range of colours
  • Removable wheels and leg rest


  • Not suitable for those over 130kg

Are wheelchairs covered by NDIS funding?

If you’re planning to purchase a folding wheelchair using NDIS funding, you’ll be glad to know that NDIS does cover the cost of folding wheelchairs. In fact, NDIS covers a wide range of mobility devices and equipment, including power wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs, scooters, and walking aids.

The answer to this question depends on a few different factors. First of all, it depends on whether or not you have been approved for NDIS funding. If you have not been approved for funding, then you will not be able to use NDIS funds to purchase a folding wheelchair.

The NDIS covers “reasonable and necessary” supports and equipment. Whether or not a folding wheelchair is considered “reasonable and necessary” will depend on your individual circumstances. This means that your doctor or another healthcare professional must have recommended the wheelchair in order to treat your condition or improve your quality of life.

For example, if you can use a standard manual wheelchair but it would be more difficult for you to do so, then the NDIS may consider a folding wheelchair to be “reasonable and necessary” and cover the cost of one under your plan. However, if you are able to use a standard manual wheelchair without any difficulty, then the NDIS may not consider a folding wheelchair to be “reasonable and necessary” and will not cover the cost of one under your plan.

If you are unsure whether your folding wheelchair meets the criteria for NDIS funding, you can contact your case manager or the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) for more information.

Advice on getting around in a wheelchair

Being in a wheelchair doesn’t have to mean being limited in your mobility. With a little bit of knowhow, you can get around just as easily as anyone else. Here are three tips to help you get started.

  1. Invest in a good wheelchair

This may seem like an obvious tip, but it’s an important one nonetheless. A good quality wheelchair will make it much easier to get around, both in terms of comfort and maneuverability. When choosing a wheelchair, be sure to test it out thoroughly to ensure that it’s the right fit for you.

  1. Get Some Good Accessories

There are all kinds of accessories that can make life with a wheelchair more convenient, such as cup holders, phone holders, and storage baskets. You can also get covers for your wheelchair if you need them for inclement weather or if you want to be able to transport it more easily.

  1. Don’t Overload the Chair

When using a wheelchair, it’s important not to overload it with more weight than it’s designed to carry. Most wheelchairs have a weight limit of 250 pounds, so if you need to transport someone who weighs more than that, it’s best to use a different type of chair or get help from another person. Also, be careful not to put too much weight on one side of the chair, as this can make it tip over.

  1. Plan your route ahead of time

If you know where you’re going, map out your route beforehand so that you can avoid any potential obstacles. This is especially important if you’re traveling somewhere new or unfamiliar. By planning your route ahead of time, you’ll be able to save yourself a lot of hassle in the long run.

  1. Know Your Limits

It’s important not to overdo it when you’re using a wheelchair. If you try to do too much, you could end up injuring yourself. So take breaks often, and if you start feeling fatigued, stop and rest.

  1. Ask for help when necessary

There’s no shame in asking for help when you need it, especially when it comes to getting around in a wheelchair. If you’re having trouble with something, don’t hesitate to ask a friend or family member for assistance. Most people are more than happy to help out whenever they can.

  1. Make use of public transportation options

Many cities now have accessible public transportation options that can make getting around much easier for those in a wheelchair. If possible, take advantage of these options instead of struggling to get around on your own.

  1. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times

This is important for anyone, but it’s especially crucial for those in a wheelchair. Pay attention to what’s going on around you and be prepared to act accordingly if necessary. By staying aware of your surroundings, you’ll be able to stay safe and avoid any potential accidents or injuries.

  1. Be Careful Going Down Slopes

If you need to go down a hill or slope in your wheelchair, take care not to go too fast. Use your brakes sparingly so you don’t overheat them and try to keep your center of gravity as low as possible by leaning back in your seat. If possible, have someone else walk next to you and hold onto the chair in case you need help staying balanced.

  1. Practice Safe Transfers

If you need help getting in and out of your wheelchair, there are some specific techniques that can help make the process safer and easier. When transferring from your wheelchair to another seat, such as a car or bed, first position yourself so that your stronger side is toward the transfer destination. Then use your stronger arm to push up from the armrest while simultaneously scooting forward in your seat until you can swing your legs around and into position. For transfers from a standing position, bring your weaker leg through first, then transfer your weight before bringing your stronger leg through. Have someone nearby to assist you if needed and always use caution when moving from one surface to another.

  1. Find Some Support Groups or Forums Online

If you’re looking for support and information from others who use wheelchairs, there are lots of great groups and forums online where you can connect with people from all over the world who understand what you’re going through.

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