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Best Rollators For Seniors in Australia: A Complete Buying Guide

A rollator or rollator walker is a mobility aid similar to a walker that provides support while you are walking. It typically has four legs, with two wheels on each of the back legs. The legs are adjustable so that the rollator can be made to the right height for you. Australia currently has 17.8%...

Created by Michelle Carey
Last Updated July 14, 2023
Best Rollators For Seniors in Australia: A Complete Buying Guide

A rollator or rollator walker is a mobility aid similar to a walker that provides support while you are walking. It typically has four legs, with two wheels on each of the back legs. The legs are adjustable so that the rollator can be made to the right height for you.

Australia currently has 17.8% of females and 17.6% of men that have some form of disability and face difficulties almost every day. The truth is that using a walking aid is not much different from using other kinds of aids. It is comparable to using prescription glasses. Your life will be improved by these devices, resulting in fewer hardships and daily obstacles. Read further about rollators and how to choose the best rollator for your needs.

What is a Rollator?

A Rollator is a type of mobility aid, similar to a walker. It has four wheels, a handlebar for support and balance, and often includes a built-in seat, basket, and brakes. It allows for increased mobility and independence for those with limited walking ability.

What is a Walker?

A walker is a mobility aid that helps a person who has difficulty walking, maintain balance and stability while standing or walking. It typically consists of a frame with four legs and handgrips, and sometimes includes a seat for resting. The use of a walker may also be combined with physical therapy to improve strength and balance.

What are Rollators & Walkers for Seniors?

Rollators and walkers can be helpful for seniors who experience reduced mobility due to aging or medical conditions such as arthritis. The use of these mobility aids can improve safety and independence for seniors, allowing them to continue participating in daily activities. However, it is important for seniors to consult with their healthcare provider before using a rollator or walker, to ensure proper fit and training on correct usage.

What is the Difference Between Walkers and a Rollator Walker?

The main difference between a walker and a rollator walker is the presence of wheels on a rollator. This allows for easier mobility and less strain on the user, as they do not have to constantly lift and move the device. Rollator walkers also often include additional features such as a seat, brakes, and a basket. However, walkers may be more suitable for those with severe balance or upper body limitations as they offer more stability. It is important to speak with a medical professional or therapist to determine which type of device would be most appropriate for an individual’s specific needs.

What are the Benefits of Rollator?

Some benefits of using a rollator walker include increased mobility and independence, improved balance and stability, decreased strain on the upper body, and the ability to carry personal items. Rollators can also provide a sense of safety and security for the user, as they offer support while walking and the option to sit and rest as needed. Additionally, the built-in features such as a basket can allow for greater convenience in carrying any shopping or items you’d otherwise have to hold.

Safer Walks – A walker with wheels instantly adds to the safety of your walks. Whether walking through the house or just around the block, you will have increased stability and peace of mind knowing that you are being as safe as possible.

Longer Walks – Since walkers can reduce tension and weight-bearing, it allows you to walk longer distances than ever before for even longer periods of time. A walker can help you stay active and mobile when you are limited.

Additional Support – A number of people use walkers as a precaution as they are the next step up from a cane. Typically, this upgrade is made when a little extra support is needed. It’s a great option to have for situations when you know you’ll need a little extra support.

Reduced Stress on the Body – The extra support and weight-bearing place less stress on the body overall which can help to keep energy levels elevated and allow you to operate without overworking your muscles.

Increased Resting – It’s normal to get tired throughout the day and a walker gives you the ability to rest if you are having a lower energy day.

Understanding Rollator Types and Features


Different Types of Rollator Walkers

  • Standard Rollator – The standard rollator is the most basic type of rollator. It has four wheels and a seat and usually comes with a basket attached for carrying personal belongings. The standard rollator is ideal for people who need extra stability when walking but do not require any special features.
  • Specialty Rollator – The specialty rollator is designed for people with more specific needs. These rollators can have features such as a built-in commode, oxygen tank holder, or IV pole attachment. Specialty rollators are typically custom-made to meet the specific needs of the user.

Features to Consider When Choosing a Rollator

When choosing a rollator and walkers, it is important to consider your specific needs and what features would be most beneficial for you. Some features to consider include wheels, weight capacity, folding mechanism, seat, brakes and rollator accessories.

How Do I Use A Rollator?

If you are mobility impaired, then a rollator can help you get around more easily and is ideal for people who need to take frequent breaks when walking. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use a rollator.

  1. First, adjust the handle height of the rollator to suit your needs. You should be able to walk upright with your arms relaxed at your sides when using the rollator.
  2. To start walking, push down on the hand brakes and lean forward slightly. The rollator will start to move forward.
  3. To turn, simply push down on the handbrake on the side you want to turn to and lean in that direction. The rollator walker will follow your lead.
  4. To stop, push down on both hand brakes simultaneously.
  5. If you need to rest or sit down, you can do so by lowering the seat and sitting on it. To get back up, first, raise the seat before standing up straight again.
  6. When you are done using the rollator, simply fold it up for easy storage or transport.

Follow these steps and you’ll be zipping around in no time!

Reasons You Need to Buy the Right Rollator Walker for Your Needs

If a rollator doesn’t fit properly, it can cause a whole host of problems—some of which might not be immediately obvious. Let’s take a look at a few of the ways an ill-fitting rollator can damage your health:

The wrong size rollator can cause falls

If the rollator is too tall or too short for the person using it, it can be difficult to control. This increases the risk of falls, which can lead to serious injuries. It’s important to make sure that the rollator you purchase is the right height for the person who will be using it.

The wrong weight capacity can cause injuries

Rollators are also available in different weight capacities. If you purchase a rollator with a weight capacity that is too low for the person using it, there is a risk of the rollator tipping over. This can cause serious injuries. For this reason, it’s important to make sure that you purchase a rollator with a weight capacity that is appropriate for the person who will be using it.

The wrong height can cause joint pain

If a rollator isn’t the right height, it puts unnecessary strain on your joints – particularly your wrists and shoulders. Over time, this can lead to joint pain or even arthritis.

Rollators that are too heavy can cause muscle strain

Carrying around extra weight is tough on your muscles—and if your rollator is too heavy, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing every time you use it. This can lead to muscle strain, fatigue, and even injury.

Incorrect size can cause poor balance

A rollator that’s too big or too small can throw off your balance, making it more likely that you’ll fall. And if you do fall, a heavy rollator could make it harder for you to get back up – leaving you stranded until someone comes along to help.

When purchasing a rollator, it’s important to make sure that you take the time to find one that meets your specific needs. Don’t just purchase any rollator; make sure that it’s the right size and weight capacity for the person who will be using it and that from a reputable brand. Taking these steps will help ensure your safety while using your new walking aid.

Factors to Consider When Buying the Right Rollators

When selecting a rollator, it is important to consider the weight capacity needed, as well as any additional features that may be beneficial such as a seat, brakes, and a basket. The height of the handles should also be taken into account in order to ensure proper posture and comfort while using the device. It may also be helpful to consider the overall size and weight of the rollator, as well as whether it can be folded for storage and transportation. Consulting with a medical professional or therapist can also provide guidance in choosing the best rollator for an individual’s specific needs and abilities.

How To Choose The Right Rollator Walkers For Seniors

  1. Consult with a medical professional or therapist to determine the best type and features for an individual’s specific needs and abilities.
  2. Consider the weight capacity needed, as well as any additional features such as a seat, brakes, and a basket.
  3. Take into account the height of the handles to ensure proper posture and comfort while using the device.
  4. Consider the overall size and weight of the rollator and whether it can be easily folded for storage and transportation.
  5. Test out different models to find one that is comfortable and easy to use.

Does the Australia NDIS provide funding for Rollator walkers?

According to the NDIS website, rollators are considered a “low-cost assistive technology” and funding may only be provided for them if they are deemed necessary for a participant’s specific disability-related needs. It is important to speak with an NDIS planner or therapist to determine if funding for a rollator would be available.

When do you need a rollator?

You’re not alone if you’re having trouble deciding whether you need a rollator, so don’t worry. For many folks, getting a rollator is a major thing. Many people think that a rollator is only for the elderly or for those with a disability. However, this isn’t always the case. While rollators can certainly make life easier for those groups of people, there are also many times when a younger, able-bodied person could benefit from using a rollator as well.

Rollators can be an invaluable tool for people with disabilities or mobility issues. If you have trouble walking without support, or if you get tired easily when walking, a rollator can help you stay steady on your feet and keep moving forward. Rollators can also be helpful if you have difficulty bending over to pick up things from the ground.

Top Picks: Best Rollator Walkers in Australia

There are a number of brands that offer walkers for kids and walkers for the elderly including Airgo, Days, Peak Care, Performance Health, Trust Care, and more. These brands offer mobility walkers in many different shapes, sizes, styles, and price points. They can be used on a daily basis or whenever additional mobility support is needed.

Airgo Fusion Side Folding Rollator and Transport Chair

Product Description:

The Airgo Fusion 2 in 1 Rollator and Transport Chair is designed to allow the user to use as a rolling walker and also to sit and use as a wheelchair with assistance from a carer. The lightweight aluminium frame is designed for stability and the design makes it very simple to convert from a rollator to a wheelchair style configuration.

Brand: Airgo

Weight: 8.5kg

Weight Capacity: 136kg


Key Features:

  • Converts easily between a walker and rollator
  • Folds easily and locks with a latch
  • Padded armrest, seat and backrest
  • Ergonomic handbrakes


  • Suitable for User Height: 153cm to 188cm
  • Handle Height Adjustment: 76cm to 93cm
  • Seat Height: 51cm
  • Seat Depth: 30 cm
  • Width between Handles: 50cm
  • Overall Width: 69cm

Days Gutter Walker with Handbrakes

Product Description:

The Days Gutter Walker with Handbrakes is a great tool for those who have difficulty standing up or staying upright. It can be adjusted at the arm supports and hands so you don’t need to worry about losing balance while using it, as well as folded away when not in use!

Brand: Days

Weight: 8.5kg

Weight Capacity: 150kg


Key Features:

  • Ideal for gait training
  • Handbrakes to keep user upright
  • Adjustable at the forearm support and hands
  • Height adjustable

Peak Ellipse 8″ Rollator

Product Description:

The Peak Ellipse 8″ Rollator is the perfect walker to aid everyday life and is designed to be lightweight and durable.

Brand: Peak Care


Weight Capacity:150kg


Key Features:

  • Aluminum folding frame
  • Removable basket
  • Folding backrest
  • Bag under the seat for easy storage

Trust Care Let’s Go Out Rollator with backrest and bag

Product Description:

The Trust Care Let’s Go Out Rollator is an elegant, comfortable and steady rollator. It is designed with an X Cross frame for sideways folding; ideal for stowing in small spaces.

Brand: Trust Care


Weight Capacity:150kg


Key Features:

  • Cross frame for sideways folding
  • Stands by itself when folded
  • Lightweight for pushing


There are many different types of rollators available on the market, but not all of them are created equal. When it comes to finding the best rollator for seniors in Australia, there are a few things that you will want to keep in mind. You need to make sure that the rollator is comfortable to use and should be lightweight.

If you want to learn more about our best rollators, be sure to check out our other articles including this guide on how to choose a walker. You’ll find everything you need to get started with mobility equipment, disability equipment and aged care equipment for healthcare & aged care solutions.

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